Our home is on 3 acres we have 1 dog Barry he doesn't ask for much just love and food, same goes for the miniature pony ...
Care for 6yr old dog (Maltese/shitzu/silky cross) & 7mth old kitten (both house/toilet trained). Both well behaved and ...
Feed a friendly 10 yr old cocker spaniel and 2 miniature donkeys
care for one cat
House sitter for 13 yr old Jack Russell. Has dietary needs. There may be some garden care if up to it.
The following assignments are from the past 3 months and are now closed.
Our home is on a serene 2 acres surrounded by farmland with laughing kookaburras and cute koalas. We are a 25 minute ...
To look after a three year old Murray River Curly Coated retriever and a 12 year old Bengal cat. Neither animals have ...
We have no pets a lovely home some watering would be good
Look after house we have no pets ,watering garden
To look after a 12 year old Bengal cat
To look after a 12 year old Bengal cat with no special requirements